// JavaScript Document var executeFolder = '/'; function arr_index(arr,idx) { return arr[idx]; } function selectTabulator2(ev) { if (document.all) { var elm = window.event.srcElement; } else { var elm = ev.target; } ev.cancelBubble = true; if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); var container = elm.getParent('.TAB_TITLE_CONTAINER'); var childs = container.getChildren(); var idx = 0; var x = 0; for (var i=0;i=idx && !isNaN(sarr[idx]) && sarr[idx]!=0) { sz["height"] = sarr[index]; } //else top.setTimeout('expandNow()',1500); for (var i=0;i500) { h+=15; elm.setStyle('height',h + 'px'); elm.getParent('.TAB_PAGE_CONTAINER').setStyle('height',h + 'px'); elm.getParent('.WIDGET').setStyle('min-height',h + 'px'); } } function trim(inputString) { // Removes leading and trailing spaces from the passed string. Also removes // consecutive spaces and replaces it with one space. If something besides // a string is passed in (null, custom object, etc.) then return the input. if (typeof inputString != "string") return inputString; inputString = inputString.replace(/\n/,""); inputString = inputString.replace(/\r/,""); var retValue = inputString; var ch = retValue.substring(0, 1); while (ch == " ") { // Check for spaces at the beginning of the string retValue = retValue.substring(1, retValue.length); ch = retValue.substring(0, 1); } ch = retValue.substring(retValue.length-1, retValue.length); while (ch == " ") { // Check for spaces at the end of the string retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.length-1); ch = retValue.substring(retValue.length-1, retValue.length); } // Note that there are two spaces in the string - look for multiple spaces within the string while (retValue.indexOf(" ") != -1) { // Again, there are two spaces in each of the strings retValue = retValue.substring(0, retValue.indexOf(" ")) + retValue.substring(retValue.indexOf(" ")+1, retValue.length); } return retValue; // Return the trimmed string back to the user } function setup_tab_pages() { var pages = $$('.TAB_PAGE'); for (var i=0;i=index && !isNaN(sarr[index]) && sarr[index]!=0) { sz["height"] = sarr[index]; } else top.setTimeout('expandNow()',1500); } else top.setTimeout('expandNow()',1500); expandLater = page; page.setStyle('display:none'); page.setStyle('height',sz["height"] + 'px'); page.getParent('.TAB_PAGE_CONTAINER').setStyle('height',sz["height"] + 'px'); page.getParent('.TAB_PAGE_CONTAINER').getParent('div').setStyle('height',(sz["height"]*1+50) + 'px'); if (page.getParent('.WIDGET')) page.getParent('.WIDGET').setStyle('height','auto'); //alert(page.getParent('.WIDGET').style.height); var transition2=(tabSliders[idx].index0) continue; navis[i].parentNode.style.height = 'auto'; var chk=$chk(openLink= navis[i].getElement('a.NaviLink_active')); if (openLink != null) { if($chk($(openLink.getNext('ul')))){ var openList = $(openLink.getNext('ul')); var openListHeight = openList.getComputedSize().height; var paddingTop = openList.getStyle('padding-top'); var paddingBottom = openList.getStyle('padding-bottom'); openList.setStyles({ 'height': 0, 'padding-top': 0, 'padding-bottom': 0, 'display': 'block' }); window.openThisList = function () { var openTween = new Fx.Morph(openList, {duration: 1000}); openTween.start({ 'height': openListHeight, 'padding-top': paddingTop, 'padding-bottom': paddingBottom }); } window.setTimeout("openThisList()", 600); } } } }) function list_selectPage(id,page) { var pages = document.getElementById('cat_container_' + id).getElementsByClassName('page_container'); for (var i=0;i100) return false; else return true; var z = display_zoom/100 moreInfo += xdif + " : " + ydif + " : " + (180/z) + " : " + (90/z) + "
"; if (display_zoom<105) return true; if (Math.abs(xdif)>(180/z)) return false; if (Math.abs(ydif)>(90/z)) return false; return true; } function showCountry(s) { alert(s); } function showCountries(s) { alert(s); } var moreInfo = ""; function showDot(idx) { document.getElementById("partner_container_"+idx).style.display = ""; } function hideDot(idx) { var s = idx.split(":"); var i = s[0]; //document.getElementById('worldDebug').innerHTML = "hidin " + idx + "
"+document.getElementById('worldDebug').innerHTML.substr(0,300); document.getElementById("partner_container_"+i).style.display = "none"; } function checkDots() { flashObj = swfobject.getObjectById("worldmap"); if (document.all) { window["worldmap"].dotVisible('s'); } else if (flashObj) { flashObj.dotVisible('s'); } } function world_infos() { var elms = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); moreInfo = dotInfo+"
"; for (var i=0;i" + moreInfo; } function strrpos (haystack, needle, offset) { var i = -1; if (offset) { i = (haystack + '').slice(offset).lastIndexOf(needle); // strrpos' offset indicates starting point of range till end, // while lastIndexOf's optional 2nd argument indicates ending point of range from the beginning if (i !== -1) { i += offset; } } else { i = (haystack + '').lastIndexOf(needle); } return i >= 0 ? i : false; }